Senior Management


Professor George Boyne

Professor George Boyne

Principal & Vice-Chancellor

Professor George Boyne became Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Aberdeen on 1 August 2018.

Professor Boyne led the creation of the University’s Aberdeen 2040 strategy which was launched in February 2020 to mark the 525th anniversary of the foundation of Kings College in Old Aberdeen. Aberdeen 2040, which builds directly on the university’s foundational purpose to be open to all and dedicated to the pursuit of truth in the service of others, won the Higher Education Strategic Planners Association award for University strategy of the year in 2021.

Professor Boyne is Chair of the University Senate, a member of the University Court and a member of the Board of the University’s Development Trust. His external roles include Chair of Universities and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA), Convenor of Universities Scotland Funding Policy Group, member of the Board of Opportunity North East, and member of the Aberdeen City Deal Joint Committee.

Professor Boyne has published extensively on the performance of public sector organisations and has been a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences since 2010.

Senior Vice Principal and Vice Principals

Professor Karl Leydecker

Professor Karl Leydecker

Senior Vice-Principal

Professor Karl Leydecker took up the role of Senior Vice-Principal in March 2019. He is responsible for providing direct line management to all Heads of School and ensuring the delivery of ambitious School plans and budgets. He coordinated the development of the University’s award-winning Aberdeen 2040 strategy launched on the 525th anniversary of the founding of the University in February 2020. He is the strategic lead for People, Estates and Environmental Sustainability and institutional strategic planning, and deputises for the Principal and Vice-Chancellor as required.

Karl was previously Vice-Principal (Learning and Teaching) and Professor of German and Comparative Literature at the University of Dundee from 2013. Before that he was Dean of Humanities at the University of Kent for 6 years, having also served as a Head of School at Kent and before that University of Stirling.

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Karl studied at Magdalen College, Oxford, taking a BA in English and Modern Languages (including a year at the University of Passau) and a PhD in German (including two years at the University of Hamburg). Karl’s research interests include marriage and divorce in German and European literature from the late eighteenth century to the 1920s, and German drama and social history from 1890 to 1930.

From 2017 until taking up his current role, Karl was the Theme Leader for the QAA Scotland Enhancement Theme Evidence for Enhancement: Improving the Student Experience. In 2022 Karl joined the Board of the QAA.  He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and has served on the RSE’s Tertiary Education Futures Group and the Royal Irish Academy’s Higher Education Futures Taskforce.

Professor Nicholas Forsyth

Professor Nicholas Forsyth

Vice-Principal (Research)

Nick joined the University of Aberdeen in 2023 as Vice Principal (Research). Included in this role are development and implementation of coherent research strategies at School and University levels, overseeing Interdisciplinary research across the five grand challenge areas, and development and implementation of strategic approaches to enhance organisational performance at REF2028.

Nick studied at Glasgow University gaining a BSc (Hons) (Upper Second Class) Molecular Biology in before a PhD Molecular Genetics (at the CRUK Beatson Institute) under the supervision of Prof E. Ken Parkinson. After his PhD studies he performed his first postdoctoral studies at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Centre, Dallas, TX, USA under the mentorship of Prof Jerry Shay and the late, Prof Woody Wright. He then moved back to the UK and joined the Roslin Institute, Edinburgh completing his training under the mentorship of the late Dr Jim McWhir.

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In 2006 Nick joined Keele University as a Lecturer in Stem Cell Biology before being awarded his Chair in 2015. In 2016, as Professor of Stem Cell Biology he was appointed as Director of the Research Institute for Science and Technology in Medicine (ISTM). Nick was appointed as Dean of Research in the Faculty of Medicine in 2019. Additional roles included Senate, Council, and University Research Committee membership alongside leading high achieving Units of Assessment in both REF2014 and REF2021.

Professor Peter Edwards PhD CITP FBCS FIET FRSA

Professor Peter Edwards PhD CITP FBCS FIET FRSA

Vice-Principal Regional Engagement

Having completed an undergraduate degree in Chemistry, I then shifted my academic allegiance and completed a PhD (Leeds) which explored cooperative reasoning in distributed blackboard systems. I  joined the University of Aberdeen as a postdoc in Computing Science in October 1988, before moving into an academic position as a Lecturer in 1991. I was promoted to Senior Lecturer in 2002 and Professor in 2009.

As a researcher I have been fortunate to lead a number of major interdisciplinary efforts, first as Director of the ESRC funded PolicyGrid eSocial Science Research Node (2006-2012) and later as Director of the RCUK dot.rural Digital Economy Research Hub (2009-2015). To date, I have secured over £20M in external research funding, the majority of it from UKRI (formerly RCUK) sources.

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I am currently Vice-Principal for Regional Engagement.

I have also held numerous offices at the University of Aberdeen, most notably Head of Computing Science (2002-2005), Head of Graduate School for the College of Physical Sciences (2005-2011) and Head of the School of Natural & Computing Sciences (2018-2021). In addition, I was the founding Director of the Northern Research Partnership Graduate School (involving Aberdeen, Dundee and Robert Gordon universities) between 2007 and 2009. I was a member of the University Senate from 2002 to 2014 (and again 2018- ), and a Senate Assessor to the University Court between 2007 and 2014; in addition, I served on the Operating Board of the University Court for six years (2008-2014).

Professor Siladitya Bhattacharya MD, FRCOG

Professor Siladitya Bhattacharya MD, FRCOG

Vice-Principal (Global Engagement)


  • MD Obstetrics and GYnaecology
    1997 – University of Aberdeen
  • MRCOG Obstetrics and GYnaecology
    1991 – Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
  • FRCOG Obstetrics and GYnaecology
    2006 – Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
  • Subspecialty Accreditation Reproductive Medicine
    1999 – Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists

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External Memberships

  • Member, Medical Schools Council (2018- )
  • Non-executive member NHS Grampian Health Board (2019-)
  • NHS Research Scotland Clinical Research Champion for Women’s Health and Childbearing Scotland 2015-18)
  • Chair, Reproductive Medicine Clinical Studies Group (RCOG), the National Reproductive Health Research Network UK (2008-2014)
  • Specialty Lead for Reproductive Health and Childbirth (Scotland) (2009-14)
  • Member, Health Services and Population Health Research Committee, Chief Scientist Office Scotland (2006-12)
  • Member, Panel for Chief Scientist Office Scotland Clinical Academic Fellowships (2013-18)
  • Member, College of Experts, Medical Research Council (2006-09)
  • Clinical Adviser to Scottish Medicines Consortium (2014- )
  • Member Core Outcome Measures for Infertility Trials (COMMIT) working group when?
  • Chair International Network for research in Reproductive Medicine (INREM) (2013-)
  • Chair (2015-16) International Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (FIGO) Reproductive Medicine Committee
  • Co-Chair (2009 – 15) International Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (FIGO) Reproductive Medicine Committee
  • Member Standards and Practice Committee for the International Federation of Fertility Societies (IFFS) (2007-)
  • Member European IVF Monitoring Committee Board (European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology) (ESHRE) (2007 – 2013)
  • Quality Control (Auditor) for FIVNAT (Swiss Society for Reproductive Medicine) (2010 – 12)


  • Editor-in-Chief Human Reproduction Open (2017-)
  • Editor: Cochrane Collaboration Gynaecology and Fertility (2004 -)
  • Scientific Editor:  BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (2003-5)
  • Editor: The Obstetrician and Gynaecologist (2003-5)
  • Associate Editor Human Reproduction Update (2011 – 2015)
    Academic Editor PLOS ONE (2014 – 16)
  • Editorial Board Elsevier IFFS Updates in Infertility Treatment Resource Centre (2013 -)
  • International Adviser/Reviewer Journal of Fertility Science and Research (Indian Fertility Society) (2014 -)

Prizes and Awards

  • MRCOG Prize medal, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 1991
  • European Society of Reproduction and Embryology Established Clinician Award 2000
  • Wellcome Trust Research Leave Award 2002-7
  • The Obstetrical & Gynaecological Society of Malaysia & Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (RCOG-OGSM) Travelling Fellowship 2015
  • Seelye Travelling Fellowship, University of Auckland Foundation 2018
Professor Jo-Anne Murray

Professor Jo-Anne Murray

Vice-Principal (Education)

Professor Jo-Anne Murray joined the University of Aberdeen as Vice-Principal Education in February 2024. Jo-Anne is responsible for all aspects of education and the student experience. Prior to joining Aberdeen, Jo-Anne was Pro-Vice Chancellor, Digital Transformation at the University of Leeds where she was responsible for leading the overall digital transformation strategy.

Prior to joining Leeds, Jo-Anne was a Managing Director at Higher Ed Partners (HEP) where she worked with senior executive-level colleagues within Universities across the UK to define and deliver strategic vision for digital transformation in education.

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Jo-Anne was also Assistant Vice Principal, Digital Education, at the University of Glasgow and Deputy Dean of Graduate Studies. Prior to that, she held senior roles at the University of Edinburgh leading learning technology teams, online learning and postgraduate taught programmes.

Jo-Anne is Professor of Educational Innovation and a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. She has led the development of many novel approaches to learning, teaching and assessment, including virtual worlds, online distance learning, massive open online courses, mobile apps and the use of robots in education. Jo-Anne has also led and participated in a range of research activities in education and the biological sciences and has published over 130 peer reviewed articles.

She is an internationally renowned animal nutritionist, specialising in Equine Nutrition. She is the first and only Animal Nutritionist to be awarded Fellowship of the Association for Nutrition. Jo-Anne set up the first and only online Masters in Animal Nutrition at the University of Glasgow. Her research is aimed at improving gut health in equids, including investigating the effect of diet on the gastrointestinal tract and on equine behaviour. Her combined academic and practical experience has led to her excellent reputation as a world-leading equine nutritionist.

University Secretary and Chief Operating Officer and Directors

Tracey Slaven

Tracey Slaven

University Secretary & Chief Operating Officer

As University Secretary, Tracey is responsible for University governance.   This means making sure that Court and Senate have the right information and support to take effective decisions and that we comply with our statutory responsibilities.    As Chief Operating Officer, Tracey has responsibility for Professional Services across the University and for the leadership of work on Risk Management and Resilience.

Tracey joined the University in January 2021 from the University of Edinburgh .  At Edinburgh, she was Deputy Secretary, Strategic Planning, with responsibility for Court Services, Strategic & Business Planning, Student Recruitment & Admissions, Widening Participation, Data Protection and Freedom of Information, and co-ordination of the submission to REF2021.   Originally a Government Economist, Tracey is an experienced governance and change professional who has held senior roles in Scottish Government, government agencies in both Scotland and England, and in the private sector.

Mrs Debbie Dyker

Mrs Debbie Dyker

Director of People

I joined the Human Resources Section in 1992 as a recruitment assistant and have undertaken most roles within the HR team.  I was appointed to the role of Director of People in 2017.  Prior to this I was appointed to the role of Director of Human Resources, in 2012, with responsibility for managing the delivery of the Strategic and Operational HR Service across all areas of the University.

The Directorate of People has 6 sections including Human Resources; Health Safety & Resilience; Experience & Wellbeing; Student Support; Careers and; International Advice & Compliance.

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The Directorate of People plays a key role in supporting the University to deliver upon strategic priorities and institutional initiatives in line with the Strategic Plan.

The Directorate provides comprehensive, co-ordinated front facing support services to all staff and students in the University community.  The teams within the Directorate work in partnership with key stakeholders, both internal and external to the University, including Trade Union colleagues and local, national and international organisations.

A number of institutional organisational development activities are undertaken within the Section. The team liaise closely with colleagues across the Academic areas and Professional Services to ensure a co-ordinated approach to matters including student engagement, employee engagement, student employability, mental health, wellbeing strategy, sport, equality & diversity and health & safety.

The University acknowledges that institutional success depends on the talent, expertise and commitment of staff and in recognition of the importance of ongoing personal and professional development, the team has developed a suite of Leadership & Management programmes, many of which have received external accreditation through the Institute of Leadership & Management.

Mr Mark White

Mr Mark White

Chief Financial Officer

Mark became the University Chief Financial Officer on the 16th May 2022. As a member of the University’s Senior Management Team and directly accountable to the Principal, the CFO is responsible for the financial stewardship of the University, the development of its financial strategy and the provision of financial advice related to the strategic development of the University. With a team of 58 staff, the CFO is also responsible for the strategic oversight of all income and expenditure of the University, and for ensuring that the systems of accounting and internal control are effective and in accordance with laid down standards, insurance and investments and Procurement services.

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Mark was previously the Director of Finance at NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. As a Board Member and Executive Team Member Mark provided direction and financial stewardship to NHSGGC’s strategic organisational transformation programme “Moving Forward Together”; led the design and delivery of NHSGGC’s 3 year cost saving and efficiency programme, including income maximisation and cost reduction savings cumulative £120m, and managed the financial element of planning, design and delivery of a major capital investment programme involving £125m of new build spend and £150m of infrastructure refurbishment and repair over 5 years.

Prior to NHSGGC, Mark was a Director in PwC, providing audit and consultancy services across a range of private, public and charitable organisations.

External Memberships

Member of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) National Council.